2024 CSR Report: Omelcom Committed to the Common Good

With the publication of its 3rd CSR report, the company confirms its ambitions: to sustainably develop its activities.

The review of this new CSR report clearly indicates the achievement of another milestone and the alignment of the entire Omelcom team with this crucial issue.

From Constraint to 100% Leverage Effect

The actions and requirements related to CSR are no longer constraints but levers to position the company in its French and international markets: from strategic planning to design, production, sales, and the end of product life, everything becomes ‘made in CSR’!

Increasingly virtuous, the Omelcom ecosystem does not hinder the company’s double-digit growth; here, all teams speak the same language.

The highlight of the approach, workplace well-being and a sense of mission, fuel overall performance and lead to better customer satisfaction, as evidenced by the recent satisfaction survey.

Counting on Each Other to Progress Together

The most significant aspect of this stage is the company’s new accounting method: today, Omelcom also measures in kg CO2 eq! This new capability is a credit to the company, as there was no obligation for the SME from Château-Gaillard to embark on a complex process to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and thus contribute to carbon neutrality. Omelcom confirms its awareness of our interdependence within value chains to take care of our planet and its humanity.

CSR Spirit Radiates 360°

In this same logic, Omelcom invites its customers, suppliers, and partners to discuss their own CSR expectations, with the aim of integrating them into its CSR strategy as effectively as possible. Committed and determined, Omelcom spreads the spirit of CSR in its surroundings, with the ambition to combine its three components – social, environmental, and economic – into a single performance.

*GHG: Greenhouse Gases

Browse through our 2024 CSR report

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