Refining Omelcom’s Path to Sustainability

The FTTH Council’s Carbon Footprint Project underscores the pivotal role of carbon reporting in fostering sustainability within the fibre optic industry. By comprehensively understanding emission sources across scopes 1, 2, and 3, manufacturers, operators, and stakeholders can optimise processes, enhance resource efficiency, and potentially mitigate operational costs. Additionally, carbon reporting ensures compliance with regulations, shielding FTTH companies from potential fines and penalties. Moreover, the project aims to establish a standardised sector data format, fostering collaboration and enabling the creation of a robust sector database.

Through accurate carbon reporting, companies gain insights for informed decision-making regarding operations, supply chain management, and future investments, all contributing to reduced carbon footprints. Furthermore, this initiative facilitates benchmarking against industry standards and peer performance, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and sustainability within the sector.

With carbon emissions evaluated according to the GHG protocol, organisations are empowered to embark on their journey towards greater carbon sobriety, irrespective of their size or product range. Through collective efforts guided by sector-wide reporting initiatives like the FTTH Council’s project, the fibre sector can communicate progress in decarbonisation, foster knowledge sharing, and align with overarching sustainability goals such as the European Green Deal.

While we may not have participated directly in the FTTH Council’s Carbon Footprint Project , our longstanding commitment to sustainability aligns closely with the project’s goals and reflects our proactive approach to reducing our environmental impact.

Since 2022, Omelcom has been on a journey of self-assessment and improvement, starting with a thorough analysis of our environmental impact through programs like the Diag Décarbon’Action. This initiative allowed us to identify key sources of emissions and develop a comprehensive decarbonisation plan tailored to our operations.

Our commitment extends beyond internal measures to encompass our entire supply chain. While the FTTH Council’s project aims to foster sector-wide collaboration, Omelcom has been proactively engaging with suppliers to tighten CSR/SD requirements since 2021. Our recent CSR survey of suppliers revealed a shared commitment to environmental stewardship, with many already taking concrete steps to limit their impact.

Moreover, Omelcom’s focus on eco-design, low-carbon purchasing, and waste reduction mirrors the principles advocated by the FTTH Council’s project. By incorporating recycled materials, optimising packaging, and reducing waste, we’re not only aligning with industry standards but also exceeding customer expectations for sustainability.

As we continue to innovate and lead by example, we’re proud to contribute to the collective goal of building a greener, more sustainable future for all.

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